After reading the first two "Sisterhood" books, I had to read the third one. I wanted to find out what happens to Bridget, Tibby, Carmen & Lena as they get older.
Girls in Pants starts with the four girls graduating from high school. Each has a different plan for college next year and this is their last summer together. The pants, once again, serve as a way for the girls to connect while all experiencing pivotal moments in their lives.
At first, I wasn't very interested in the story. It seemed slow-moving and all I noticed was each girl complaining, whining about something. I was not in the mood for such a story and was tempted to put it back. Thankfully, as the story progressed, I noticed less and less complaining and immersed myself in each of their lives -- their hopes and dreams, their fears about the changes taking place in their lives. It's probably because I can remember the summer before leaving for college and identify with exactly what they are feeling, that I became enamored. This is exactly how I felt and hoped at that point in my life. The more I read, the more I fell in love with the story. Things don't end up sunshine and rainbows for each of the girls, but it's definitely hopeful. Each much struggle through some sort of trial or hardship and grows as a result. I do like that. An 'A' story for me, memorable.
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